Gen. 1 v 28; Gen. 2 v 24 – 25; 1 Peter 4 v 8; Eccl. 4 v 12; Eph. 4 v 2 – 3; Jer. 29 v 11; Mark 10 v 9; Col. 3 v 18 – 19; 1 Peter 3 v 7; 1 Cor. 7 v 5; 2 Cor. 2 v 10 & 11; 1 Peter 5 v 8
“For by my God, I will run through the troop and by His power leap over the wall” in Jesus name. Psalm 18 v 29
Gen. 2 v 25 “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed”
- Beloved, God ordained marriage to be enjoyed. Also, the devil is not happy about the marriage institution. So, we have to be prayerful and watchful. 1 Peter 5 v 8 “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour”
- Marriages go through different kinds of challenges at different times and seasons. There are many remote causes ranging from mistakes, sins and direct attacks from the enemies who want our marriages to fail.
- Anti-marriage forces abound and manifest in different shapes and forms. We must identify these factors and pray against them, make amends in order to preserve our love and marriages.
- The truth remains that victory is guaranteed in Christ as we are ready to serve Him and apply His principles to our marriage.
- Character problems in both spouses.
- Lack of adequate knowledge about family life issues.
- No pre-marriage teachings, counselling and deliverance.
- Impatience on the part of both spouses; lack of endurance and understanding
- The man not knowing the needs of the woman and the woman not knowing the needs of the man.
- Unfaithfulness in marriage. Being too secretive with each other.
- Sexual problems – adultery, sexual perversions, lack of sexual knowledge, pornography, masturbation, cyber-sex, emotional adultery, etc.
- Insensitive to your partner’s emotional profile.
- Uncontrolled anger, flippancy, careless talks, abusive language, self-esteem demeaning statements, threats, unforgiveness, reference to the past ugly situations, having a secret sin partner.
- Punishing your partner with sex, food, socials, care, starving your partner in all areas.
- Making your partner an option while he/she makes you a priority.
- Taking decisions in anger. Regretting openly saying why did I marry you.
- External pressures on the marriage from family members, friends, in laws and strangers.
- Inability to accommodate each other’s weaknesses.
- Financial challenges – Loss of job, unemployment, business failure, lack of money to meet basic needs and finance projects, indebtedness.
- Inability to plan together. Either party stubbornly going alone to plan and execute projects. Not having FAMILY FINANCIAL PORTFOLIO
- The man wasting funds without the wife knowing or the other way around.
- Worldliness – Nightclubbing, gambling, socials, buying luxuries without investment.
- Investment with titles in your names. This brings INSECURITY and SUSPICION into the marriage. Trust is questioned.
- Lack of care for each other and the children.
- Self-pity, nagging, no submission, no provision for the family, insincerity, frustrations, competition, domineering spirit, lack of romance, telling lies, inability to accept your faults, worries, not wanting to cover your partner’s nakedness, self-deception, lack of organisation, poor hygiene, etc. will open the doors for troubles and challenges in the marriage.
- Demonic interference, manipulations, projections, evil control, regulations and instructions. Marine, occultic and witchcraft attacks. Evil family flow/trend/pattern. Witchcraft lies/sacrifice to separate couples. Sicknesses and strange afflictions from the pit of hell.
To overcome these challenges, both couples must examine themselves, deal with weaknesses in their lives, acknowledge and accept them first, then forgive each other. Make amends and then start prayers. In a situation where one of you doesn’t co-operate, let the other party pray, God will intervene by His mercy in Jesus name. Please don’t take SHAMEFUL ALTERNATIVES. Remember Abraham/Hagar & Ishmael Gen. 16 v 3 – end
I also advice you see marriage counsellors and finance counsellors; seek medical attention, nutritionist attention when and where needed. Also go for deliverance ministration in a word-based prayer ministry. VICTORY IS YOURS IN JESUS NAME
Engage the weapon of faith and pray!
“When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also” 2 Tim. 1 v 5.
Holy Ghost I need a change by fire
- Go into time of repentance of all past sins
- Plead for mercy, plead the Blood of Jesus on your foundation.
- Anything in our foundation troubling my welfare, die in Jesus name.
- Parental foundational inheritance affecting us, dry up in Jesus name.
- Foundational remote control, troubling our welfare, catch fire in Jesus name.
- Architects and builders of afflictions in our foundation, die by fire in Jesus name.
- Foundational strongmen behind our problems, die in Jesus name.
- Satanic vigils, evil prayers against us, scatter in Jesus name.
- All strange vows, covenants and oaths against our welfare from our roots, be nullified by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
- Efforts of dark powers from our roots to afflict us, scatter in Jesus name.
- Foundational powers tying my spouse down to addictions, to adultery, clubbing, gambling, laziness, stubbornness, smoking, wickedness etc. Release him/her now in the name of Jesus.