This section is very important and vital. Many people dream daily, but a lot of incorrect interpretations are being proffered ignorantly, thereby making bad dreams to come to pass and good dreams not manifesting. In fact, inability to correctly interpret dreams is a high-level manipulation on its own.
In the Bible, Joseph was able to achieve his divine dreams in grand style because of adequate interpretation and dogged pursuit with the help and favour of God. When all the astrologers and seers could not decipher King Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams, God, the author of secrets and revelations, raised Daniel to have a full understanding and correct infallible interpretations of the king’s dreams. He was elevated above every other person in the land (Daniel 2:1-end). Don’t equally forget that Joseph was finally released from the prison when he was remembered by Pharaoh’s butler as the only seer that can help the king out with his dreams.
I want to strongly warn here that we need the help of the HOLY SPIRIT always whenever the subject of dreams comes up for correct interpretation. Or to be of help to those who don’t dream at all, and those who forget their dreams totally or partially. The issue of forgetting dreams is another serious matter. The devil orchestrates this spiritual dream amnesia (loss of memory) in order to ensure the dreams are forgotten at all costs. The enemy knows that if the dreamer remembers, he or she will take adequate spiritual measures – through heeding God’s warning, prayer and fasting, violent adherence to God’s instructions – to avert the imminent tragedy. Also, if it has to do with good dreams that must be prayed to full manifestation, the enemy ensures forgetfulness so they do not manifest. It is my prayer that every attack on your dreams will not prosper again in the name of Jesus. Amen.
In Daniel 2:5, King Nebuchadnezzar lamented: The king answered and said to Chaldeans, THE THING [DREAM] IS GONE FROM ME: if ye will not make known unto me the dream with the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill (emphasis mine).
This is where we always need the Holy Spirit: dreams without correct interpretation will lead to jeopardy and spiritual catastrophe.
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you (John 14:26).
As you go through the various dreams itemized with their meanings and prayers, kindly let the Holy Spirit guide your heart. Subject every interpretation to the test of the WORD OF GOD. Any interpretation outside the Word of God should be rejected.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105). Amen.
1. Sitting for difficult exams that you could not finish before the allocated time.
Meaning: Frustration, stagnancy and difficulties.
Prayer: I cancel any form of difficulty programmed into my life in Jesus name.
2. Eating and drinking in the dream.
Meaning: Spiritual poison, plantation of diseases.
Prayer: I command every poison in my system to drain out in Jesus name.
3. Climbing with difficulty in the dream until you wake up, sweating.
Meaning: Difficulty, barriers of impossibility, backwardness
Prayer: I reject the bondage of difficulty in Jesus name.
4. Traveling in the dream and your vehicle breaks down, and you keep repairing until you wake without finishing it.
Meaning: Your wheel of progress or vehicle of destiny is under attack.
Prayer: Every attack programmed against my vehicle of progress, scatter by fire in Jesus name.
5. If you are travelling in a car and you are in a traffic hold-up without movement for a long time until you wake up.
Meaning: Major delay.
Prayer: Divine traffic wardens, clear the way for my vehicle of progress to move forward in Jesus name.
6. Gunshots in the dream.
Meaning: Afflictions that may lead to sicknesses, death or poverty.
Prayer: Every evil bullet in my system, be evacuated by fire in Jesus name.
7. Nakedness in the dream.
Meaning: Sign of disgrace, loss of glory.
Prayer: My glory shall not be naked in Jesus name. I reject any form of disgrace and reproach in Jesus name.
8. Wearing rags or torn dresses in the dream.
Meaning: Sign of poverty, failure.
Prayer: I reject affliction of failure and poverty in Jesus name.
9. Robbery, stealing in the dream
Meaning: Losses, reduction in virtues.
Prayer: I reject losses in Jesus name. I claim back what dream
robbers have stolen from me in Jesus name.
10. Stealing of your wedding dresses, rings, etc.
Meaning: Marital attacks
Prayer: I recover back my stolen marital virtues in Jesus name. My
marriage will not suffer defeats in Jesus name.
11. If your bible is stolen in the dream.
Meaning: A serious attack on your spiritual stamina.
Prayers: 1. My spiritual life shall not be paralyzed in Jesus name.
2. I shall not backslide in Jesus name.
3. I recover my stolen spiritual weapons in Jesus name.
4. All dream criminals against my spiritual progress, die
by fire in Jesus name.
12. If you are carrying an abnormal heavy load and you are groaning, sweating profusely in the dream.
Meaning: Evil pressure, terrible situations that may lead
to discomfort on the way.
Prayers: 1. I reject evil load in Jesus name.
2. Owners of evil load, carry your load in Jesus name.
3. O Lord, remove dark burdens off my head in Jesus
13. Masquerades, skeletons, strange objects chasing you in the dream.
Meaning: Witchcraft attacks; monitoring powers are on assignment.
Prayers: 1. I bind all witchcraft spirit trailing me about in Jesus
2. Any dark power planning to disgrace me, receive the
anger of God in Jesus name.
3. Every monitoring network against my rising up,
scatter by fire in Jesus name.
14. Seeing yourself among strange occultic people holding an evil meeting.
Meaning: Likely initiation; corruption of destiny.
Prayers: 1. I reject demonic initiation in Jesus name.
2. I break any known and unknown covenant with any
occult group in Jesus name.
3. Occult powers, you shall not corrupt my destiny in
Jesus name.
15. Attack by dogs, cats, snakes, other strange animals or birds in the dream.
Meaning: Witchcraft attack, transfer of sickness, sexual demon.
Prayers: 1. Every witchcraft animal attacking my glory, die in
Jesus name.
2. I reject transfer of oppression in Jesus name.
3. I command the poison in my blood to drain out in
Jesus name.
Please I advise you go for deliverance ministration if the dream persists.
16. If you drown in a river in the dream.
Meaning: Loss of life, burial of one’s glory, falling from a great height without being able to rise again.
Prayers: 1. My glory will not sink in the ocean of life in Jesus
2. After the order of the sunken axe-head, I recover my
drowned glory in Jesus name. (Pray well.)
3. Every attempt to pervert my glory, be aborted in Jesus name.
17. Sexual intercourse in the dream with an opposite sex, a hermaphrodite, people of same sex, sex with strange objects.
Affliction from spirit husband, wife or replica. Deposit of evil emission. Can lead to barrenness or any form of unfruitfulness.
1. I close every door/gate of sexual oppression in my dream in Jesus name.
2. Anything in me responsible for dream sexual harassment, be roasted by fire in Jesus name.
3. Demonic spirit visiting me to abuse me sexually, I bind you in Jesus name.
4. Every evil deposit troubling my life as a result of sex in the dream, dry up now in Jesus name.
Please note that you must not engage in any sin of immorality like masturbation, fornication, adultery, if you want to have victory over sexual demons in the dream.
18. Negative dreams recurring anytime you want to do great things, thereby paralyzing and foiling your efforts at the edge of success.
Such dreams activate failure in the physical. They are called “demonic failure activators”. They scatter in the dream what you gather in the physical.
1. I command the yoke of recurring negative dreams in my life to break in Jesus name.
2. Any recurring dream that wants to render me ordinary and useless, be cancelled in Jesus name.
19. Accidents in the dream, fire incident in the dream, flood in the dream, war in the dream.
Disasters looming in the physical.
1. I cancel every dream of disaster in my life in Jesus name.
2. Manifestations of disaster-related dreams, I cancel you in Jesus name.
3. My life shall not be cut short suddenly through disasters in Jesus name.
20. Amputation in the dream
Accident, reduction, partial destruction, death.
1. I reject both spiritual and physical amputation in Jesus name.
2. My glory shall not be amputated in Jesus name.
3. My body parts shall not be donated by witchcraft power in Jesus name.
4. My vital organs, reject dark attacks in Jesus name.
21. Seeing yourself in your old houses, schools, etc.
1. I reject the spirit of backwardness in Jesus name.
2. I reject the spirit of back-to-square-one in Jesus name.
3. Any cord of affliction linking me with my past, be broken in Jesus name.
22. Someone cursing you in the dream
Afflictions on the way. Evil propaganda.
1. By my new birth, I reject negative utterances in Jesus name.
2. Any curse uttered against me, backfire in Jesus name.
3. Curses in the dream, my life is not your candidate in Jesus name.
4. Confess 2 Timothy 4:18. Henceforth, let no man or woman trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of our Lord Jesus Christ, in Jesus name.
23. Roaming about in the dream
Meaning: Confusion, vagabond affliction.
1. I reject the spirit of confusion in Jesus name (Psalm 71:1),
2. Any power moving me about against my will, be destroyed in Jesus name.
24. If you find yourself in a house and every attempt to get out is futile – all doors locked.
like blockages, roundabout frustration.
1. I shall not be trapped in Jesus name.
2. I reject iron-like blockages in Jesus name.
3. I reject satanic incarceration in Jesus name.
25. If you are imprisoned, or in a demonic court before a wicked judge in the dream.
Dark powers are about passing evil judgment on you.
1. O Lord, deliver me from dark prison/jail in Jesus name.
2. Any evil judgment/verdict passed on me in the spirit realm, be cancelled in Jesus name.
3. Evil janitors, watchers, supervisors assigned to monitor me, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
26. Incisions, labels, marks, scratches from dreams.
Witchcraft identification can cause hatred, rejection, and chronic failure.
1. I shall not be marked for evil in Jesus name.
2. Any mark of dark identification on me, be cancelled in Jesus name.
3. My body shall not be polluted in Jesus name.
27. Bathing in dirty water or drinking dirty water, smoking in the dream.
Pollution, poison.
1. I shall not be poisoned in Jesus name.
2. My spirit, soul and body, reject pollution in Jesus name.
3. O Lord, sanitize my life by your fire in Jesus name.
28. Falling from a great height/ladder/mountain in the dream, or climbing with difficulty.
Great and disastrous difficulty. Heavy, resisting obstacles and barriers.
1. I reject the spirit of rising and falling in Jesus name.
2. My ladder of progress shall not break in Jesus name.
3. Every evil force of gravity mounted against my rising up, scatter by fire in Jesus name.
4. Atmospheric powers stationed to resist my rising up, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
5. I shall not be pulled down by dark powers in Jesus name.
6. Every power waiting to disgrace me at the zenith of success, die by fire in Jesus name.
29. Dreaming of the dead, seeing coffins, eating with dead people, seeing yourself in a funeral service, or seeing the grave yard.
Spirit of death is on rampage.
1. I reject and resist the spirit of death in Jesus name.
2. Every message and messenger of death against me, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
3. Every mourning arrangement, funeral service fashioned against me in the spirit realm, be cancelled in Jesus name.
4. Power of the grave, you will not capture my glory in Jesus name.
30. Handcuffs or chains on your hands, neck, legs, or waist in the dream.
The enemies have arranged to detain you and your work.
Psalm 124:7
1. Every attempt to incapacitate me, be aborted in Jesus name.
2. Every invisible chain or handcuff on me, be roasted by fire in Jesus name.
3. My freedom shall not be disturbed in Jesus name.
4. Dark police assigned against me, die by fire in Jesus name.
31. Bleeding in the dream.
Something good may be forced out of your life, leading to death.
1. My life, reject leakages in Jesus name.
2. My goodness shall not drain off in Jesus name.
3. My destiny will not bleed to death in Jesus name.
32. Wedding in the dream, giving birth in the dream, breastfeeding in the dream.
Marital delay, future childlessness.
1. I reject demonic wedding in Jesus name.
2. Every strange marital partner, die in Jesus name.
3. I reject unexplainable delay in Jesus name.
4. I shall not be barren in Jesus name.
33. Seeing mad people in the dream. Mad people chasing, raping, biting you in the dream.
A strange mad spirit is trailing you to cause havoc.
1. Every mad spirit assigned against my welfare, be bound in Jesus name.
2. Any soul tie with mad powers, be broken in Jesus name.
34. If you are being pressed down while sleeping.
Strange witchcraft oppression.
1. I soak my spirit, soul and body in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
2. Any strange shadow oppressing me in my sleep, die in Jesus name.
35. Before it is your turn, distribution of items is over, doors closing just before you enter.
Marginal failure, spirit of “almost there”
1. I reject failure at the edge of success in Jesus name.
2. Spirit of almost-there, I bind you in Jesus name.
36. Bathing in the open and then trying to hide afterwards or walking barefooted.
Disgrace, spite, denial of rights and privileges, betrayal and abuse.
I cancel the dreams of disgrace in Jesus name.
37. Stepping on excreta, being smeared with excreta, defecating in the open, urine being poured on someone or you are spat on.
Meaning: Terrible shame.
Prayer: I shall not be ashamed in the name of Jesus.
38. Doing ridiculous and humiliating jobs which are below your status and dignity, or you are being ordered to do it.
Meaning: Ridicule, hardship, humiliation, downgrading situations
Prayer: My life, reject hardship and humiliation in the name of Jesus.
39. Dreaming of being disobeyed or insulted by a very junior person to you.
Meaning: People will be nasty to you and be ungrateful, no matter what good you do to them.
Prayer: I reject any form of insult and nasty attitude from anybody in Jesus name.
40. Dreaming of being pursued, harassed and arrested by uniformed men, hunters and masquerades.
Meaning: Opposition in life and daily pursuits.
Prayer: I bind every manipulative dark arrester in Jesus name.
41. Dreaming of wanting to buy something but having no money.
Meaning: Spirit of non-achievement.
Prayer: You spirit of non-achievement, I separate from you in Jesus
42. Dreaming of missing your way, either to where you are going, or back home, and you are now wandering.
Meaning: You will find it difficult to advance in life, to settle will be difficult.
Prayer: I reject the spirit of wandering in Jesus name.
43. Missing or misplacement of things in your dream, searching for it without finding it until you wake up.
Meaning: Sudden struggles in life.
Prayer: My life, reject sudden sweat and struggles in the name of
44. Dreaming of a particular person appearing to you in the dream, making you to experience total failure and disappointment.
Meaning: There is a monitoring strongman pursuing your welfare.
Prayer: Stubborn strongman assigned against my welfare, die, in
Jesus name.
45. Dreaming of being locked up, caged, trapped inside an escalator, falling into a pit, being tied on the hands or legs, or tied to a stake, being arrested with someone assigned to monitor you.
Meaning: Your progress will be hindered in real life.
Prayer: O Lord, free my life from these wicked dreams in Jesus
46. Borrowing money in the dream or being owed with debtors refusing to pay, making money and using it all to buy food completely.
Meaning: Financial attacks.
Prayer: I reject arrows of financial attacks in Jesus name.
47. Spending recklessly in the dream, paying fines, hospital bills, etc.
Meaning: Spirit of poverty is raging.
Prayer: I reject the spirit of poverty in Jesus name.
48. Inability to complete a project in the dream, or someone is claiming ownership of your project, asking you to stop.
Meaning: Hindrances on the project.
Prayer: I bind every spirit of hindrances on this project in Jesus
49. Seeing cobwebs all over your project, factory, or a mark of stop-order, or cancellation. Or seeing the building collapse.
Meaning: High level witchcraft attack.
Prayer: Every yoke of witchcraft attack on this project, scatter in
Jesus name.
50. Dream of exchanging big things for smaller ones, good for bad.
Meaning: Downgrading
Prayer: I reject the spirit of reduction in Jesus name.
51. Terribly sick in dream. Injuries in dream. Hospitalized in dream.
Meaning: Spiritual sickness defying medication.
Prayer: By the blood of Jesus, I cancel spiritual diseases in Jesus
52. Dreaming of packing out of your matrimonial home.
Meaning: Your marriage may have problems.
Prayer: I reject sudden marital problems in Jesus name.
53. Dreaming, seeing yourself in a field or farm with spoilt harvest.
Meaning: Spoilers and wasters at work to attack your result.
1. Lord, preserve my harvest of goods in Jesus name.
2. Every power spoiling my harvest, be destroyed in Jesus name.
54. Dreaming of hot pursuit and you wake up sweating, whenever you are about doing something good in life.
Meaning: Goodness attackers are lying in waiting for you.
Prayer: All stubborn pursuers assigned against my goodness, die in
Jesus name.
55. Dreaming of seeing an obstacle between you and your success.
Meaning: Result-attacking/barricading barriers on your way.
Prayer: All obstacles between me and my successes, be roasted by
fire in Jesus name.
56. Dreaming of someone forcefully placing a heavy load on you.
Meaning: Demonic transfer of problems.
Prayer: I reject evil loads in my life in Jesus name.
57. Dreaming of seeing yourself traveling in a vehicle which breaks down.
Meaning: Progress arrested on the physical.
Prayer: I command the vehicle of my life to receive the power of
resurrection in Jesus name.
58. Dreaming and having opposite manifestations.
Meaning: Spirit of confusion. Not being in control of your dream life.
Prayer: O Lord, divinely adjust my dream life by fire in Jesus name.
59. When a pregnant woman dream of being pursued by a cow, masquerade, dog, vampire, madman, etc.
Meaning: Witchcraft attacks against her life and the unborn baby.
Prayer: Every witchcraft power against me and my baby, be
destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
60. When a pregnant woman dreams of seeing the dead, or even talking to dead relatives.
Meaning: The spirit of the dead wants to attack and kill the baby and the mother.
Prayer: I banish every spirit of death and grave in the name of Jesus.
61. Dream of being in a house with a leaking/removed roof.
Meaning: The woman of the house must pray against her husband’s death.
Prayer: The crown of my head shall not be removed in Jesus name.
62. Dream of a strange woman forcefully absconding with your husband.
Meaning: Husband snatcher is on patrol. Beware and be prayerful.
Prayer: Every stranger assigned against my home, be arrested in
Jesus name.
63. Fire outbreak in the dream.
Meaning: It signifies danger.
Prayer: Every danger against my family, life, and work, be aborted,
in Jesus name.
64. Seeing angel or Jesus Christ in your dream.
Meaning: It signifies divine visitation.
Prayer: O Lord my God, your presence will not depart from me in
Jesus name.
65. Drowning and crying for help.
Meaning: The enemy of your soul wants to cause you tribulations.
Prayer: Every plan of sorrow and tragedy against me, be aborted, in Jesus name.
66. Bleeding blood in the dream.
Meaning: Witchcraft attacks against your health.
Prayer: By the blood of Jesus, I cancel all witchcraft attacks in my
life in Jesus name.
67. Being flogged in the dream.
Meaning: The enemy wants to subject your life to torture and destroy your dignity.
Prayer: Any attempt to destroy my reputation, be aborted in Jesus name.
68. If a child dies in your hand in your dream.
Meaning: It signifies that your establishment will crumble.
Prayer: Every attack against my business and child, be aborted, in
Jesus name.
69. Being handcuffed in your dream.
Meaning: It is a satanic arrest against your breakthrough.
Prayer: Every invisible chain on my hands, be consumed by fire in
Jesus name.
70. Being given flowers, fruits in the dream.
Meaning: Good things on your way.
Prayer: My ordained blessings, manifest by fire in Jesus name.
1. Every EVIL, SEASONAL manipulative dream hindering the manifestation of my results, be cancelled in Jesus name.
2. Every EVIL, REPEATED dream hindering my manifestations be cancelled in Jesus name. (Pray aggressively.)
3. Every FAMILIAR SPIRIT, showing different faces, visiting me in the dream to hinder my results, be arrested by fire in Jesus name.
4. Every spirit of the dead polluting my results through dreams, be arrested by fire in Jesus name.
5. Every power of the grave fashioned against my welfare through dreams, die in Jesus name.
6. Every desert wilderness power attacking my results through dreams, causing desolations in my life, die in Jesus name.
7. Evil dreams fashioned against me to render me useless and ORDINARY, be cancelled in Jesus name.
8. Recurring dreams triggering WASTE and IMPOSSIBILITY in any area of my life, be aborted in Jesus name.
9. Every dream of nakedness programmed against me to put me to shame and waste my goodness, be cancelled in Jesus name.
10. Dream CRIMINALS, THIEVES, ROBBERS, RAIDERS, DARK POLICE, visiting me for evil in my dreams, die by fire in Jesus name.
11. My WELL OF ABUNDANCE that has been filled with evil sands through dreams, angels of the Lord, dredge and empty out the sand in Jesus name.
12. Any plan of progress in my life that has been satanically altered in the dream, adjust now in Jesus name.
13. Every strange power holding me down or delaying my progress through dreams, release me now in Jesus name.
14. Every dream of the past affecting my progress now, be cancelled in Jesus name.
15. Power to recover my stolen benefits through dreams, fall on me in Jesus name.
16. O Lord, empower me to react and fight back victoriously in Jesus name.
17. Rescuing angels/no-nonsense angels/recovery angels/killer angels, appear in my dream and fight for me in Jesus name
18. All my benefits confiscated in the dream, be released now in Jesus name.
19. Any evil deposit in my life through dreams causing problems now, go out by fire in Jesus name. (Pray for 5 minutes.)
20. Cry this confession loud and clear: you stubborn invisible power, troubling my life in my dream, my God will trouble you in Jesus name.
21. Repeated satanic dreams attached to my progress, bringing failure and afflictions, be nullified in Jesus name.
22. Anti-progress arrows fired into my life through dreams since infancy, come out by fire in Jesus name.
23. Evil deposits in my life through dreams since my infancy, affecting my progress now, drain out by fire in Jesus name.
24. Satanic ANCHOR in my dream holding down my vehicle of progress, break loose by fire in Jesus name.
25. Destiny demoting dreams from infancy troubling my life now, be nullified in Jesus name. (Pray well)
26. All dreams, visions, imaginations contrary to my PROGRESS, be cancelled in Jesus name.
27. Maturity Dates of all evil dreams I have ever had, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus.
28. Sexual intercourse, eating and drinking, slavery, writing difficult examination, climbing dangerous mountains, seeing dead people, being attacked by dangerous animals/birds/reptiles, being naked in the dream, be nullified, in Jesus name.
29. All my virtues and benefits buried or stolen through dreams, I recover you in Jesus name.
30. My keys of elevation stolen from me through dreams, I recover you in Jesus name.
31. Masquerades and other evil pursuers in my dreams, die by fire in Jesus name.
32. Spiritual problems attached to my life through dreams from infancy between 12 midnight -1am/1am-2am/2am-3am/3am-4am/4am-5am/5am-6am, be nullified, in Jesus name.
33. Any pollution or contamination in my life through dreams, be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
34. Anointing for victory in my dreams always, fall upon me in Jesus name.
35. O Lord, set a watch over my dreamland in the name of Jesus.
36. Good dreams in my life from infancy, begin to manifest now in Jesus name.
37. Any strange hand in my dream causing problem for me in the physical, wither by fire in Jesus name.
38. Any dark agent turning to a bird, following and monitoring me about in the dream, you that bird, die in Jesus name.
39. Every attempt of any evil dream to manifest in the physical, be aborted in Jesus name.
40. Every manipulation in the dream causing problems on the physical, be cancelled in Jesus name.
41. Anything captured from my life by witchcraft power through dreams, I recover you by fire in Jesus name.
42. Every good thing I have lost through dreams since I was born, I recover you in the name of Jesus.
43. Every evil power of the night scattering what I gather in the day, I bind you in the name of Jesus.
44. Any problem presently in my life as a result of bad dreams, jump out and die in the name of Jesus.
45. All dreams that I have ever had, but have been forgotten since I was born, Holy Spirit, remind me in the name of Jesus.
46. All my good dreams that I have ever dreamt, come to pass in the name of Jesus.