2 Sam. 22:37; 2 Kings 3:16 & 17; 2 Kings 5:1-15 (Naaman); 1 Chron. 4:9-10 (Jabez); Job 19:25; Ps. 3:2-4 (note v. 3); Jer. 18:1-5; Mark 10: 26 & 27, 46-52 (Blind Bartimaeus); Luke 8:43-48 (Woman with the issue of blood); Luke 13:10-17). (KJV)
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head (Psa. 3:3).
It is a pity many people have been satanically appointed unto failure even before starting the race of life at all.
- Many people you see today are not what God made them to be. Their original glory has been stolen or changed.
- Diseases, accidents, afflictions, wrong marriage, wrong profession, wrong location, wrong friends, bad dreams, immorality, polygamy, etc. have changed many people’s glory.
- Laban manipulated Jacob’s glory into forced polygamy;
- Many people’s glories have been re-programmed to travel in the wrong direction at a high speed;
- Bad character has re-programmed many people’s glory into unprofitable existence; someone who should be a renowned mechanical engineer has been re-pogrammed into a road-side mechanic; A doctor to an auxiliary nurse, etc.
- Many have fallen victims of glory diverters/changers. Satanic traffic wardens have diverted the vehicle of their destiny to the wrong roads in life.
- Many a glory has been tampered with in the womb, at birth, by the very first hand that touched them. Some during their naming ceremony, some while crawling, some during their teething period, some while staying with nannies, some by strange house-helps, some by the first sexual intercourse they had, some through polygamy, some through bad friends, some through occult practices, some through wrong syncretic churches – burning incense, bathing at the river-side, sleeping in shrines, sleeping with the so-called prophets/prophetesses, shaving yours hairs for rituals, donating your nails, clothes, your blood, incision, chieftaincy rituals, carrying sacrifices, sleeping in the graveyard, belonging to witches/familiar spirit, secret society, ogboni cult, lodge, odd fellows, Rosicrucian, etc. Attending wrong schools, studying wrong courses, wrong careers.
I don’t know the case that applies to you, but I trust God who is your shield, your glory and the lifter up of your head according to Psalm 3:3, to arise and re-adjust your glory by fire in Jesus name.
- Some have overstayed in a wrong location and their glory have been gruesomely used, reduced and the remnant changed to nothing.
- God will repackage your glory for excellence in Jesus name.
- If you are a victim of glory changers, that means that the purpose of your creation has been tampered with.
- It means that you have been engaged in a wrong role in the market of life and you are wallowing in useless and unprofitable assignment leading you nowhere. No wonder, things are too hard for you and you are growing older daily.
- It means that the ladder of your glory is on a wrong wall with slippery ground. May the Lord have mercy on you.
- It means that you are traveling in opposite direction to your blessings and that you are always at a wrong bus-stop in the journey of life. Being a victim of glory changer is to perpetually be at the mercy of your enemies, going to them for help. Witnessing ridicules, mockery, reproaches and shame on a grand scale. May the Lord deliver you in the name of Jesus.
- Glory changers will bring the victims down from the very top of success to the deepest part of the pit of oppression. People will then be saying “Ah! In his days when things were rosy.” The person will then become a bad history while still alive but with converted, demented glory.
Close your eyes and pray this prayer loud and clear:
In Jesus name, I refuse to become bad history while I am still alive (3 times).
- Glory changers make use of dreams to perform their evil works. Many people’s glory had been changed through terrible glory-fragmenting dreams not dealt with. Listen to me, God has the ability to rewind the tape of your destiny and make a divine correction today in Jesus name.
Pray this prayer – Every glory destroying dream I have ever had, be reversed in Jesus name (3 times).
- Naaman – Disease (leprosy) changed his glory but the Almighty God reversed it to the original position.
- Bartimaeus – Blindness changed his glory but the changer in heaven removed the arrow in his glory and restored him.
- Jabez – Parental negative naming taunted his glory but God reversed the case.
- The Woman with the issue of blood – Her glory was changed for twelve years but the King of glory reversed the order.
- Daughter of Abraham – Her glory was bent for eighteen years but God straightened her glory.
- The man by the Pool of Bethesda – His glory was grounded for thirty-eight years, but God remolded it by his mercy.
- Prodigal Son – Luke 15: 15. After he realized his folly of being a spendthrift, he was restored.
Jer. 18:1-5, v.4 “And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the Potter so HE MADE IT AGAIN ANOTHER VESSEL AS SEEMED GOOD TO THE POTTER TO MAKE IT.”
God the Potter is right with you, to restore your glory to its original heavenly configuration as it was in His manual in heaven. Are you ready for him? If you are ready, then check the under-listed and confirm and work on the ones relevant to you:
- You must be born again – John 3:16.
- Search your life and delete any property of the enemies in your custody.
- If you are in any secret organization, you must renounce it today.
- Carry out restitution where necessary.
- Drop that terrible character – anger, pride, immorality, unforgiveness, wrath, stubbornness, rebellion, indiscipline, impatience, lack of goals, destiny demoting games, etc.
- Shun sins – Jer 5:25
- Come out of ignorance – Dan 11:32
- Holiness within and without
- Violent faith – Heb 11
- Warfare prayers, fasting and retreat
- Follow the principles of God.
Beloved, I decree upon you that:
- You shall be restored to the original plan of God for your life in Jesus name.
- Every hindrance to your glory advancement shall be pulled down in Jesus name.
- All the assets stolen from your glory shall be restored to you sevenfold in Jesus name.
- No dark power shall be able to control your glory again in Jesus name.
- You will occupy your rightful position in life in Jesus name.
- Your accumulated harvest shall be delivered to you in Jesus name.
- Your glory will not misbehave again in Jesus name.
- You will dominate all forces of darkness in Jesus name.
- Your glory will be exhumed from witchcraft graves in Jesus name.
- No arrow of demotion shall attack your glory again in Jesus name.
- At every major junction in the journey of life, every destiny attacking strongman awaiting you must die in Jesus name.
- Your glory shall be celebrated and congratulated wherever you appear henceforth in Jesus name.
- Your crown of glory is restored to you today in Jesus name.
- Your glory will begin to witness new things in Jesus name.
- The way blind Bartimaeus was well-positioned to encounter Jesus, Zacchaeus was positioned on the tree to encounter Jesus, the donkey was well-positioned to be located by Jesus, let your entire glory be well positioned for multiple blessings and unforgettable encounter forever in Jesus name.
- Thank God for our unquestionable victory through Jesus Christ.
- Ancestral evil pronouncements affecting my glory be cancelled by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name
- Every idolatrous activity affecting my glory, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. In Jesus name
- Every evil dedication affecting my glory, be reversed in Jesus name.
- Parental evil pronouncement affecting my glory, be reversed in Jesus name.
- My glory, my glory, my glory, jump out of family bondage in Jesus name.
- Every horn of wickedness fashion against my glory, be cut off in Jesus name (Ps. 75:10).
- Every self-inflicted curse affecting my glory, be cancelled in Jesus name.
- Every enchantment fashioned against my glory will not prosper in Jesus name.
- All hired diviners against my glory, run mad in Jesus name.
- My glory will not be turned to shame in Jesus name.
- My glory, my glory, awake and manifest powerfully in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord re-package my glory for outstanding manifestation in Jesus name.
- My glory be lifted out of the valley by the power of resurrection in Jesus name.
- Spiritual evil policy assigned to monitor the progress of my glory, die in Jesus name.
- Witchcraft operation influencing my glory for evil scatter in Jesus name.
- Evil family elders remoting my glory diabolically die in Jesus name.
- Holy Spirit incubate my glory for fruitfulness in Jesus name.
- The tree of my glory shall not be infested in Jesus name.
- Divine restoration, fall upon my glory in Jesus name.
Thank the Lord for answered prayers.