- Experiencing constant failure where you expect success.
- There is an area of your life that is RESISTANT to progress.
- You are passing through Abject Poverty.
- Do you experience CONSTANT BLOCKAGES.
- Do you suffer terrible losses.
- Do you experience STAND STILL for so long.
- Unfriendly friends daily multiplying against you.
- You have suffered TOTAL FINANCIAL BURIAL.
- Having deep Marital problem too much for your age.
- Enemies are stubbornly pursuing
- Do you suffer Persistent Night Oppression.
- Do you notice a trend of GENERAL BACKWARDNESS in your life.
- Is your health deteriorating at a fast rate.
- Do you experience Mysterious sicknesses.
- Are you an object of Mockery these days.
- Are you becoming a WANDERER in the Market Square of life?
- Are you having Dreams of Seeing yourself in the family house/villa
- Are you going through life without any achievement?
- Do you feel like giving up? Mathew 11 v 28 – 30 (Come unto me all ye that Labour and are heavy laden and overburdened, and I will give you to rest )
- Always fighting hard but never wins.
- Going about in circles.
- Repeated progress failure
- Repetition of Attitude that brings failure.
- Movement without progress
- Roaming around your breakthrough.
- Living a life of No visible progress.
- Repeated abortion of good things.
- Back to square one
- Swimming in the River of Embarrassing Limitation.
- Suffering from derailed glory.
- Moving from one trouble to the other.
- Operating in the tail region of life.
- Constant Harvest of failure instead of success..
- Cain & Abel (Gen. 4 v 8) cain wasted Abel
- Jezebel & Naboth (1kings 21v1 – 16) Naboth was wasted
- David & Uriah (2 Sam. 11 v 1 – 26)
- Old prophet & Young prophet – 1 King 13 v 1 – 30
- Lot & Abraham i.e A nephew and Uncle – Gen. 10 v 8 – 12
- Joseph his brethren they meant it for evil, but God turned it to good. Gen. 50 v 20
- Rebeccah & Esaw (Gen. 27 v 5 – 28b) i.e a battle of mother against her son.
Beloved, the battle from the home is a pathetic one, many parents have exchanged their children’s virtues and stars, for power, money and fame. Many parents have fallen victim of child glory manipulation through carelessness, in many ways.
- By announcing boastfully and carelessly, their children’s exploits and progress in spheres of life.
- Some parents are chatterbox, they talk too much and in the process have revealed their children’s secrets, unique gifts and areas of strength to unfriendly friends and die hard enemies.
- Some go into evil dedication, donation and collateral.
- Many use their children to substitute themselves in occultic covens.
- Many report their children to friends who in reality are their enemies (wolves in sheep’s skin) They complain of their children inadequacies and begin to make a case of except and unless against their children.
- Many parents mistakenly consulted herbalist on behalf of their children and in the process many stars have been lost and the children are suffering.
- Many parents join witchcraft groups so as to protect their children, which overtime backfired, as it is the case with every dark gifts or offerings.
- Many parents enter into dark covenants on behalf of their children.
- Many have also vowed to satan, that none of their children will be greater than them (If your parents have actually told you to your face that no matter how much you try, you cannot be greater than them – Lam. 3 v 27 – I break that vinx/curse over your life in Jesus name.
- Many parents accuse their children wrongly and curse them in error.
I pray for you, any curse trading your destiny, I command break in Jesus name.
Beloved any one operating under the aforementioned yokes, need to do a good warfare. Dark powers have invaded many a life as a result of battle from the home.
Some are captives of demon idols. They are on assignment to kill or render people useless. A spiritually blind person would not be able to see a demon idol. So if it is sent to attack such a person, he or she will not know what hit him or her. If you allow them go free, you re giving them opportunity to stage a comeback. So you must deal with them.
Many are victims of strange touch, strange call, spirit of death, demonic signature i.e people wake up from sleeping, only to see/notice strange marks on their bodies.
To wrest yourself free of “battles from the home” these scriptural reference are key, Psalm 97 v 10; Psalm 149 v 5 – 9. These scriptures give us the right to redress, cancel and deal with any evil that have been done against us in the past and to execute judgement on behalf of God. Col. 2 v 14 – 15 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross, and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it” is the stand of the Word of God. 1 John 3 v 8 says “for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” You will be amazed at how many people the devil has tormented and is still tormenting with “Battles from the home”.
- Surrender to Jesus Christ.
- Believe in God to deliver you.
- Pray Bull dozer prayers with Holy violence, holy faith, holy cry, holy stubbornness.
- Send Calvary power to your Home.
You must pray aggressively to gain victory over these battles, because they do not have the final say on your life. It is only God that has the final say, bring Him into your matter and He will take back what has been taken away from you. As you embark on the under-listed prayers all home battles shall come to an end in Jesus name. Jesus is Lord.