Heb. 11 v 32 – 34; Lamentation 5 v 1 – 22; Exodus 17 v 14 – 16; Mathew 27 v 24 – 25; Hosea 9 v 11; Numbers 27 v 1 – 11
What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge?
As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. Ezekiel 18 v 2 – 3.
There are strong spiritual cords, unseen to the naked eye, that connects every man to his family. Your family history has a stronghold on you. Your family history has powers that backed them up, whether you know it or not, the powers of your family history have a strong influence on your life and destiny.
Many born again children of God do not know enough of the history of their ancestors and family, this explains why many suffer in ignorance. The powers backing up your family history, accounts for a great deal of the powers that shape and affect your destiny.
Beloved, whenever you discover certain strange things happening in your life, in spite of your effort, you must look beyond the physical and take a critical look at your family history. What is happening to you may be things that run through your family line, it’s like a thread that transverse over hundreds of years through the family.
You may be a fire spitting child of God, but if you have not taken time to deal decisively with the evil influence in your family history and rewrite it, you may become a candidate in the school of non-achievement and failure. Beloved, I want you to note that, your negative family history may arise as a result of the legal ground created by your ancestors.
- Your family history are the patters, evil patterns that constantly replays itself in your family. Your family history are the generational battles, ancestral battles, the power of yesterday and the captivity of your father’s house.
- Your family history is your yesterday. The consequences of your family history will affect your life and continue to do so until you address it. i.e. re-write the history.
- Your family history is like a tortoise or a snail shell, you always carry it with you wherever you go.
- Your family history is trans-generational, it is the cumulative effect of your problems.
- Your family history does not end with one generation alone.
- Your family history can make you suffer from the cradle to the grave. It does not prevent you from getting to the top, but can strike and cause you to crash just when you are at the zenith of success
Brethren, what you are suffering today was provoked by someone in your past. In Exodus 17 v 14 – 16, the Amalakites were to be wiped out by God gradually, children born into the nation has inherited an evil family history, the innocent generations inherited unfinished battles from their fathers.
Family history are generational battles, this is a battle that dribbles 90% of people. In 2 Sam. 12 v 9 – 10, David initiated a family history, that generations after are still battling with. Family history are covenant debts.
In Mathew 27 v 24 – 25 – parents here also kick start a series of unpalatable family history for their children, in fact, they stated emphatically that the innocent blood of Jesus should be upon them and their children.
Beloved, your family history has an invading power, your family history is not a sleeping dog, that should be allowed to just lie, it has to be addressed, it has to be re-written.
Your family history is likened to a currency of the past, that can sometimes buy-off your future. It is a strange journalist reporting you to your future. Sometimes, your family history demands that you settle them in prayers before allowing you to move. The family history that your refuse to re-write now will grow to become a terrible and wild case tomorrow. Your family history are genetically transmitted battles just as physical attributes are transmitted.
Beloved, negative family history are damaging, very cruel, destructive, caustic, wasteful and aborts good things. Your family history refers to happenings before your conception, during conception and after your birth. What are those things that happened during this period? Was there a delay before you were born? Are you the first after so many children have died? Did your parents consult with satanic priests before you were conceived?
The book of Hebrews chapter 11 is filled with the Hall of fame of those who by faith in God changed their Family History.
Re-writing your family history is an assignment God will help you execute. Your prayers must go very deep to uproot ancient chains of lineage captivity. Many of those patriarchs were men and women who rose from ZERO to HERO.
Enough of wishful thinking, have a purpose, be determined, be rugged, make up your mind, don’t give up, be innovative, move with achievers, change your mind-set from mediocrity to goal getting. Pray to uproot and break to pieces every ancient CHAIN that ties you to one stagnating spot. (Luke 3 v 9) Say no to failure and discouragement. It is well with you in Jesus name.
- Barrenness/Delayed Fruitfulness
- Sarah, Rebecca and Rachael
- Limited number of Children
- Abraham had Isaac
- Isaac had Jacob & Esau
- Jacob had Joseph
- Joseph had Manasseh & Ephraim
- Loss of First son’s birth right
- Ishmael to Isaac
- Esau to Jacob
- Reuben to Joseph
- Manasseh to Ephraim
- Cruelty and Anger
- Moses – Exodus 2 v 1 – 2. His parents were from the same family (foundation) i.e. Levi. Moses anger was strong enough to prevent him from getting into the promise land.
- Lies
- Abraham lied
- Isaac lied
- Jacob lied to Esau
- The children of Jacob lied to him that Joseph was dead
- High Level Sexual Perversion
- Judah slept with his daughter in-law
- David’s family history led him to take another man’s wife and, in the process, he committed murder.
- Absalom had a negative family history that led him to sleep with is father’s wives in the full glare of the community.
- Ammon & Tamar, their family history of sexual perversion led to an act of incest, which consequently led him astray and away from God.
- Gehazi in 2 Kings 5 v 27 he left a family history of leprosy behind as a result of his covetousness.
- Polygamy
- Royalty i.e. from a royal family
- Idolatry
- If you have ever worn “African Insurance or “Armlet”
- If you have incisions on your body
- If your placenta was corrupted/manipulated.
- If your parents were occultists
- If you are a product of controversy
- If your maiden hairs or first bath water or nails were manipulated for ritual purposes
- If there is a particular food in your family that members don’t eat.
- If your father took your mother on credit.
- If stolen monies were used to train you
- If either of your parents were kidnappers.
- If your parents were witches and wizards.
- If either of your parents oppressed widows.
- If either of your parents or ancestors accepted bribe to pervert judgement.
- If either of your parents or ancestors were fake religious prophets
- If your parents/ancestors answer demonic names.
- If your ancestors/parents were local hunters.
- If your ancestors/parents were masquerade priests
- If your parents/ancestors were local drummers.
- If your parents/ancestors were diviners.
- If your parents/ancestors practised incest.
- If your parents/ancestors were palm wine tappers
- If your parents/ancestors were tribal or traditional dancers
- If your parents/ancestors were hostile to missionaries/preachers
- Jabez – 1 Chro. 4 v 9 – 10
- Gideon – Judges 6 v 15 – 16; Judges 8 v 1 – 35
- Jephthah – Judges 11 v 1 – 3
- Deborah – Judges 4 – 5
- Esther – Esther 2 – 8
- Joseph – Genesis 37 – 50
- Moses – Deut. 34
- Samuel – 1 Sam. 2 – 1 Sam. 25
- David – 1 Sam. 16 v 13; 1 Kings 2 v 10
- Noah – 6 v 8 – 9
- Abraham – Genesis 11 v 29; Gen. 25 v 8
- Ruth – Ruth Chapters 1 to 4
- Obed-Edom – 2 Sam. 6 v 10 – 12
- Servants ruling over children
- No access to breakthrough and deliverance
- Difficulty in finding a good job
- Untimely death
- Terrible poverty
- Marital cruelty
- Prostitution
- Bewitched hands
- Slavery
- Polygamy
- Sexual immorality
- Failure at the edge of breakthrough
- Automatic failure mechanism
- Sudden downfall, setbacks, general backwardness
- Enslavement
- Chronic delays and disappointment
- Non-achievement and frustrations
- Embargoes on progress
- Sicknesses that defy medication
- Poverty, barrenness
- Marital delay
- Evil attraction
- Domestic wickedness
- Suicide prone
- Adult bedwetting
- Strange accidents
- Unrestrained anger
- Talkativeness
- Must be genuinely born again
- Deliverance
- Warfare and Recovery prayers – Apostolic warfare prayers
- Do a research into the history of your family i.e. spiritual mapping to know the actual history of your family.
- Bring your family problems face to face with the power of God.
Brethren, I encourage you to put the totality of your strength into the warfare prayers. Your life will never remain the same again. God bless you.
My Glory must shine/2ce
I will break a new ground
I will sing a new song
I will arise and shine
It’s time for a new History
will write a new record
- Thank God for His great and exceeding power to re-write my family history.
- Anointing to write a New Family History, fall on me in Jesus name.
- Blood of Jesus, re-write my family history through me in Jesus name.
- Every “BUT” operating in my family foundation preventing enlargement and success, die in Jesus name.
- Every Altar of the TAIL region in my family affecting my growth, scatter by fire in Jesus name.
- Power from on high to re-write my family history globally, I am available, fall on me in Jesus name.
- Mercy of God, arise for my sake for a new family history in Jesus name.
- My foundation, hear the word of God in Jesus name, I challenge you with the blood of Jesus.
- Blood of Jesus, invade my foundation, terminate every evil, negative influences from my foundation.
- My father’s house, hear the word of the Lord, in Jesus name release me and let me go.
- Covenants binding me with powers of my father’s house, in Jesus name, I command you to break by fire.
- Powers of my father’s house using my past to attack my future, I command in Jesus name, die.
- Every power of yesterday summoning me to the bottom, your time is up, die in Jesus name.
- Foundational Strongman, hiding in my past, firing stones of darkness to my present and future, die in Jesus name.
- Any power that wants me to suffer what my parents suffer, I command you in Jesus name, die.
- Battles brought from my past by the enemies, now troubling my life, die in Jesus name.
- Battles that defeated my parents, I challenge you with the blood of Jesus name, die.
- Pray for God to re-write the underlisted Negative Family History to Positive Godly Family History.
- Negative family history of Marital cruelty, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Intense marital problems, by the blood of Jesus I re-write you in Jesus name
- Negative family history of Seeing but not attaining, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Automatic failure mechanism, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Failure at the edge of breakthrough, by the blood of Jesus I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Non-achievement, by the blood of Jesus I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Constant business failure, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Chain problems, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Polygamy, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Chronic debt, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Spiritual Stagnation, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Insanity/Mental Confusion, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Miscarriage, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Evil diversion, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Poverty, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Strange infirmities, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Vagabond Spirit, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Suicidal Inclinations, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Pocket with holes/leaking pockets, by the blood of Jesus I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Spiritual/Physical blindness, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Ministerial failure, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Delayed marriage, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Sick/Caustic/Acidic tongues, by the blood of Jesus I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Emotional disturbances/depression, by the blood of Jesus I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Sexual problems, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Reversal of fortunes, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Role reversal, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Enslaving habits, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Profitless hard work, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Adult bedwetting, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you
- Negative family history of Failure in Christian life, by the blood of Jesus, I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Negative family history of Unexplainable family breakdown, by the blood of Jesus I re-write you in Jesus name.
- Power of God, uproot every wicked plantations of evil family history in my life in Jesus name.
- My father, in the presence of those asking for my God, O God, arise and manifest your power in Jesus name.
- Arise in my life Oh and let world know that you are my God in Jesus name.
- Strange family altars, I challenge you with the blood of Jesus, scatter in Jesus name.
- Powers behind my family history, circulating my name for evil, die in Jesus name.
- Powers behind my family history, fighting my helpers, die in Jesus name.
- I recover in Jesus name all my successes, breakthroughs from the warehouse of negative family history in Jesus name.
Thank God for answered prayers