Ecclesiastes 9:8
“Let thy garments be always white and let thy head lack no ointment.”

Leviticus 6:13
“The fire shall ever be burning upon the Altar, it shall never go out.”

Acts 10:38
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power, who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him”.


Jer. 2:13 & 14; Eph. 4,5,6. Col. 1:1-end; 1 Cor. 4:1 – end; 1 Cor. 5:1 – 7 (Note v. 7)
1 Thess. 5:24; Heb. 12:1 – 7; John 15.


“I am the true vine and my father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that bareth not fruit; he taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit” John 15:1 & 2.

My dearly beloved labourer in the vineyard of God, there is a heavenly clarion call from our Lord to examine our lives whether we confess/conform or not to the norms of God. There are so many skeletons in the battle field these days as a result of spiritual pollution that has completely eroded our spiritual vitamins and values. God is sick of labourers who are unproductive in the vineyard, He wants to purge us so as to be more fruitful.

• Why are we not generating power like the saints of the old?
• Why is there no true Revival in the Land?
• Why despite the sickening posters around, evangelism is not thriving?
• Why are the Altars full of Church politics and acrimonies?
• Why are there no more sound and undiluted messages?
• Why are there many frustrated ministers around?
• Why are there gimmicks, manipulations, charismatic witchcraft in the Church?
• Why are many ministers’ garment soiled and their heads lacking fresh oil?
• Why are there blind, deaf and ignorant ministers all around?
• Why do the pews not respect the Altars again?

The answers are numerous
1. Jer. 2:13 & 14 – Many ministers’ cisterns (containers) had broken and so cannot retain the power of God. God cannot trust them again, and because He is not a waster, He cannot pour his spirit inside a broken cistern.

2. Ps. 147: 10 & 11, Ps. 25:12 – 14 – Many ministers no longer fear God, neither hope in his mercy and so:

(1) God does not take pleasure in them and their calling again
(2) The secret of the Lord is no longer with them
(3) The Holy Spirit has ceased giving them secrets.

3. Isaiah 56:10 & 11 – Isa. 59:10. Isa. 42:18 – 20
(1) Many ministers are operating blindly, ignorantly and deafly.
(2) Many cannot pray and fast again.
(3) Many engage in pleasures that are the arc enemies of spiritual development.
(4) Many ministers are greedy, covetous.
(5) Many lack understanding and are very selfish.

4. 1 Sam. 12: 1 – 4 – Many ministers lack pastor’s testimony – No consistent record of purity.
5. 1 Sam 13: 1 – 4 – Many ministers are grossly disobedient and are covering sins (Private, besetting, presumptuous) with their titles, positions and anointing.
6. Jer. 5:25 – Unrepented and unconfessed sins will withhold good things back from many ministers.
7. 1 Cor. 4:1 – 10 – Many ministers are not faithful to God; their families; the flock and themselves. Many could not define their focus, purpose and above all many have wrong values which must be evaluated for a re-engineering.
8. 1 Cor. 5:1 – 7 – Many ministers are still retaining the old leaven which will always act as poison to their spiritual lifting, hence the need to study, pray, retreat, have a mentor, evaluate your characters, admitting your areas of weakness, subject them to effective counseling or deliverance. Ask God for mercy and grace for a second chance. Cut off all links with satanic vices. Flee all appearances of the devil. Praise and worship the Lord, and obey him absolutely. Depend on the Holy Spirit as your Counselor, Comforter, Advocate, Strengthener, Helper, Intercessor and Teacher.

May the Lord depend on you as you pray the under-listed prayers in Jesus name.


Sing this song:
Create in me a new heart, O! Lord …….Ps. 51 v 10

1. Thank God for the Ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Body of Christ (John 14 v 16 & 17; Acts 1 v 8)
2. Holy Spirit, overhaul my life and Ministry in Jesus name (Isaiah 6 v 6 & 7)
3. Spiritual contamination in my life, be cleansed by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
4. Every palace of strangers harassing my life and calling, be desolate in Jesus name.
5. My spiritual pipe, be purged by the Blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
6. Every pollution in my life and calling, drain out in Jesus name.
7. Every veil covering my spiritual eyes, tear in Jesus name.
8. I reject spiritual deafness in Jesus name.
9. My spiritual eyes and ears open to see and hear sharply in Jesus name.
10. O Lord, give me a pure heart and clean hands (Psalm 24 v 3 & 4)
11. Every evil hold on my calling and ministry break in Jesus name.
12. Every hole in my spiritual pipe be filled by the Blood of Jesus.
13. I send the fire of God to my eyes and ears to melt satanic deposit in Jesus name.
14. Spirit of confusion, lose your hold over my life in Jesus name.
15. Every spiritual gift in me, manifest in Jesus name (1 Corinth. 12 v 7)
16. The giants will not swallow my calling and Ministry in Jesus name.
17. As a spiritual watchman, I shall not be wounded or dethroned in Jesus name.
18. Holy Spirit, ignite my calling and Ministry with your fire in Jesus name.
19. Every character problem in my life, which may revoke my Ministerial license, O! Lord, deliver me in Jesus name.
20. Holy Spirit, anoint my eyes to hear your voice more than before in Jesus name. Rev. 3 v 18
21. All heavenly investment in my calling and Ministry will not liquidate in Jesus name.
22. I receive great grace for effectiveness in Ministry and calling in Jesus name.
23. Thank God for answered prayers


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