Deut. 1: 6-7; 2 Kings 7:3-5; 8-9; Prov. 23:5; Hos. 9:11; John 5:1-9
The LORD will light my lamp ; the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness. I will arise and shine for my light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon me. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over me and His glory will be seen upon me (Ps. 18:28; Is. 60:1-2).
Beloved, I want you to pray this prayer very well before going further:
O Lord my God, remove my name from the register of stagnation, in the name of Jesus.
The subject of stagnation must be handled with utmost seriousness, seeing the way it is devastating lives, organisations and families, making them cry out bitterly for help every day.
Stagnation is a dark evil force. It keeps one on the same spot ridiculously. When it sets in, every forward movement and progress is crippled.
Many factors are responsible for stagnation, ranging from the mundane to the spiritual.
- Living without a purpose in life
No goals, no direction, no focus, no ambition. Such people wake up every morning without any plan. They just take what life brings them. Remember: If you don’t put anything into the day, you will get nothing from it.
- Self-development
Life is dynamic. You must apply yourself to be able to move with evolving growth patterns and technological changes. Gone are the days when people could survive in the bank, for example, with the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O/L). For you not to be stagnated, you must upgrade yourself adequately to be relevant these days.
- Mistakes and errors
All you need to do is correct them and move on. There is no perfect man on earth. Go to God in prayers to give you another opportunity.
- Lack of ordained divine helpers
In John 5:1-8, the man at the pool of Bethsaida (also called Bethesda) was stagnated for 38 years – for lack of helpers. But when Jesus visited the pool, help came and his 38-year-old yoke of stagnation was destroyed. May you receive divine help to terminate longstanding stagnation in your life, in Jesus name.
- Pessimistic attitude towards life
To be pessimistic is to have a negative mindset, never seeing anything good or positive in or about life. That is not the mind of Christ. This negative attitude will stagnate you until and unless you begin to trust the Word of God. “With me it may not be possible, but not for God; for with God all things are possible,” should be your abiding mindset all through life and its challenges (Mark 10:27).
- Procrastination
Leaving what is supposed to be done today till tomorrow will invite stagnation. Procrastination is the graveyard of good ideas.
- Keeping wrong company (1 Cor. 15:33)
- If you move with rebellious people you will be stagnated forever. The rebellious dwell in a dry land ( 68:6b).
- If you are an eagle but keep company with bats, ducks, chickens, and ostriches, you will become like them: stagnated and earth-bound. Bats can’t fly high and are partially blind. Chickens fly very short distances only so miserably. Ostriches can’t even lift themselves up.
Choose carefully your company. Don’t be yoked with failures. He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed (Prov. 13:20). Remember also: Deep calls unto deep and iron sharpens iron (Ps. 42:7; Prov. 27:17).
- Trusting in the arm of the flesh ( 127:1)
Your help is with God, not mortal flesh. Look away from man and set your hope resolutely in God, lest you will continue to dwell in a parched land (Jer. 17:5-8). Our God and Father is utterly trustworthy and good.
- Sinful lifestyle (5:25)
Sin is rebellion against your Maker; it is high treason. It leaves you groping in the darkness of death, i.e. separation from God, the only One who can give colour, beauty and meaning to your life. Stop sinning! Or are you a child of the devil, and not that of the God of the universe (1 John 3:8)? You are strengthening your enemy by indulging in sin: satan feeds on sin.
- Destructive habits undealt with
Kick that bad habit before it kicks you into oblivion. The enemy will seize it to keep you bound in a rut and derail your destiny. Get your kicks from God (Psalm 16:11).
- Character problems
You were saved to be just like Jesus. Whatever is out of His character in your life is not His character and not of Him (Rom. 8:29; Gal. 5:19-24; 2 Pet. 1:5-7). Seek heaven’s help to deal with them (Heb.4:16).
- Wicked spiritual attacks
And for this you have Jesus. He is the victory that overcomes the world and you are complete in Him who is head over all principalities and powers (1 John 4:5; Col. 2:10). Get into your combat gear and start bombarding hell!
- Lack of wisdom, knowledge and understanding ( 9:15-18)
Your Father is sufficient for all things. He is the El-Shaddai, the Father-Mother God. Go to Him for these things (Prov. 8:14-16; James 1:5)
- Giving up too soon
Stick it out, don’t give up the challenge. Patience is a godly virtue, a fruit of the Spirit. Be patient and don’t get so easily discouraged. Only those who hope in Him will receive the blessing (John 16:33; Heb. 10:36).
- Compromising your faith and godly principles ( 11:3)
By this the enemy will have you just where he wants you. You are either living for God or for the enemy. The choice is yours (Josh. 24:15).
- Not tithing, not sowing financial seeds
What then is God to work with and multiply and use to bless you? The super-abundance of heaven is accessed only through your sowing, through your giving.
- Prayerlessness and lack of spiritual exercises
Spiritual exercises do for our immortal soul what physical exercises do for the body. Let your soul prosper: exercise yourself in all facets of godliness (1 Tim. 4:7). Read, learn, study the life of Jesus and His Word. His life and destiny is your life and destiny. Be all you can be in Him. Take utmost advantage of the divine privilege and power of prayer. Cultivate godliness of character.
- Lack of financial intelligence to invest rightly
By redemption you are a different order of being. Be creative then with your investments. Use the godly intelligence that’s yours in union with Christ. Be the good and faithful servant you are meant to be (Matt.25:20-21).
- Lack of regular retreats with God (Luke 6:12)
Don’t miss them for anything in the world. That’s where to obtain guidance, direction wisdom, insights for godly living and good success . . . in fact, everything.
- Refusing to unwind and reward yourself with deserved breaks
Much lack of enthusiasm and zest for life is the result of burnout and fatigue. Give yourself a break. Get refreshed.
- Inability to see beyond now, lack of insight, etc.
Get the big picture on all matters. You are a citizen of heaven. Live from that eternal perspective; don’t see things with the eyes of time. See beyond the present.
- Stagnation is an anti-progress force from the pit of hell. It is not from God.
- Anything that is stagnated will stink.
- Stagnation makes one to lag behind.
- Stagnation is a big barrier between you and your promised land.
- Stagnation is a trap that holds one down until it is too late.
- Stagnation is a waster, an emptier.
- Stagnation is a frustrating weapon of the enemy.
- It is the force behind inability to finish well examinations, projects, etc.
- Stagnation prevents new things from coming into one’s life.
- Stagnation makes one to stand still at the devil’s bus stop.
- The school of stagnation is full of candidates while the school of progress is
crying for more candidates.
- Stagnation brings depreciation, gradual depreciation, defeat and shame.
- Stagnation unfits one for the company of successful p
- Stagnation is a glory killer; it deflates glory gradually.
- Stagnation makes one to see goodness without possessing it.
- Stagnation makes one to be in the midst of plenty and yet be suffering.
- Stagnation is a waster of anointing, calling and talents.
- Stagnation enrolls one in the register of zero catchers.
- Stagnation messes up glorious colourful destinies.
- It reduces one’s eagle to a helpless chicken.
- It clips and removes one’s feathers of progress.
- Stagnation makes one to be tired of life generally.
- It makes one to receive insults from the least expected, otherwise most unlikely quarters.
- It downgrades the superior to inferior quarters.
- Stagnation removes one’s crown of celebration for that of defeat.
- No one celebrates anyone stagnated; no one patronizes stagnated ventures.
- Stagnation makes one to become the dustbin of life.
- Stagnation does not make people recognize you.
- Stagnation throws you into the wilderness of loneliness.
- Stagnation makes you feel God has forgotten and forsaken you.
- It brings confusion, irrational decisions and actions.
- Stagnation makes you settle for what and where you don’t like.
- Stagnation makes your contemporaries overtake you on a journey you started together while you are marking time on one spot.
- Stagnation will not allow you to be found at the place and time where goodness is awaiting you.
- Stagnation does not allow many good things, helps and helpers to reach you. Only God can rescue you.
Stagnation will make people to forget you despite your gifts, talents and potentials. They will ignore and bypass you.
- Spirit of stagnation, I bind you, in the name of Jesus.
- Spirit of stagnation, I curse you to the roots, in Jesus name.
- Every yoke of stagnation disturbing my life, scatter by fire, in Jesus name.
- Every arrow of stagnation fired at my progress, backfire, in Jesus name.
- Every pattern of stagnation in my family, I am not your candidate, be cancelled, in Jesus name.
- Every garment of stagnation I am wearing unknowingly, catch fire, in Jesus name.
- Every wind of stagnation blowing against my lifting, disappear, in Jesus name.
- Spirit of hindrance and disturbance in my life, I bind you, in Jesus name.
- Every curse of stagnation over my life, work and family, be broken, in Jesus name.
- Satanic padlock of stagnation working against my progress, break by fire, in Jesus name.
- My wing of success will not be removed, in Jesus name.
- My wing of progress and breakthrough will not be removed, in Jesus name.
- My wing of glory and achievement will not be removed, in Jesus name.
- My financial glory will not fly away, in Jesus name.
- My lifetime glory will not suddenly disappear, in Jesus name.
- Any evil concrete binding me to the same spot over the years, scatter by thunder,
in Jesus name.
- Anything responsible for stagnation in my life, be removed and die, in Jesus name.
- Every enemy of my divine progress, fail in your assignment, in Jesus name.
- Every spirit of non-achievement hovering over my destiny, perish, in Jesus name.
- Every strongman delegated against my work to cause stagnation, die, in Jesus name.
- Negative prayers, prophecies and predictions causing stagnation in my life, be cancelled, in Jesus name.
- Every serpent of stagnation biting my work, die by fire, in Jesus name.
Sudden anointing from on high to possess my possessions, fall on me, in Jesus name.